The Parker Family

The Parker Family

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prayer Requests

Could you pray for us :)  Wow this has been an intense week!  I know Satan hates the picture of adoption and will do anything to destroy it, or discourage.
It has been so weird to be watching my husband and 2 sons journey through a blog.  Phones are not predictable there.  I have been able to text here and there.
I think I have gotten 2 hours of sleep in 3 days. :)
 Pray for Joseph he is not feeling well at all... throwing up.  He doesn't know much English so its hard to communicate how he is feeling.
Pray for Mike as he cares for him.  I am usually the one that deals with the stomach thing with the kids.
I am so proud of Mike and Jonah!  They had their Embassy appt. and it went great.
Thanks for your prayers.


  1. Praying for health, bonding and good communication! Soon, you'll all be TOGETHER!

  2. Praying for you guys!! And especially for healing for Joseph!

  3. Praying... Thanks for sharing this journey through your blog and the pictures. We love you all and will pray for these specifics.
