The Parker Family

The Parker Family

Monday, February 6, 2012

Praising God

Psalm 68: 5-6, "Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation.  God settles the solitary in a home ... "

WHAT AN AMAZING DAY!  Absolutley flooded with emotions!  We have Joseph and Samuel!!  So so much to write - but we are in the middle of our day here in Addis and still have lots on the agenda.  I'm rushing as I type - trying to get some picutres uploaded!  We are Praising God from Whom ALL blessing flow!
Joseph (left) and Samuel (right) - we are overflowing with joy for the blessing of these two incredible boys!

The Parker boys - Mike, Joseph, and Jonah

The Carlsons - Dave, Samuel, Mary, Anika


  1. Amazing! So great you get to have dinner with Gabe and Connie tonight!
    Praying for you all!

  2. It was two years ago this week that we brought our Libby home from Ethiopia. I prayed then that her friends would follow soon. We are so thrilled for both Samuel and Joseph! Continuing to keep both families in our prayers.
