The Parker Family

The Parker Family

Friday, April 8, 2011

Great Quote

This is taken from a book I am reading.. Don't call it a Comeback ( this chapter was written by Justin Taylor) it is so good I had to share! :)

"If we want to see abortion eliminated in America, are we prepared to act in response to an influx of unwanted children?  Are our churches being encouraged to follow the path of " pure religion," which involves visiting orphans in their distress. (James 1:27)?  Are we following in the model of our savior, who rebuked his confused disciples for their wrong view of the kingdom, and who invited the children to come to him (Luke 18:16)?  Are we mimicking the culture in simultaneously making comfort an idol and children an inconvenience?  Or are we actively seeking to cultivate a counterculture where life is prized and treasured, and children-- even those unwanted by others -- are cared for and celebrated?  Let us commit not only to being  "pro-life," but to being  "whole life," working for the good of our neighbors and the dignity of human life in all stages of life, from the womb to the tomb."


  1. Wow! I LOVE that. It is so true. Thanks for sharing. How is the adoption process going?

  2. It is so SLOW! Still waiting on our I71H. And then there will be another long wait with all that is going on in Ethiopia right now! But we are trusting HIM! HOpe your doing well!

  3. LOVE, love, love this!!! Thank you for sharing! I might also post this!
