The Parker Family

The Parker Family

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Life has been so busy it's hard to have the time to post anything. We moved about 3 weeks ago! It is such a gift to be so close to family.

After we got settled we received a phone call that my parents house was on fire. My parents had just returned from China and their floors were getting redone. The house was a mess so they decided to stay in a hotel. We are praising the Lord they did, they would not have made it out.
The Lord provided a great rental for them and they are getting settled. They lost everything.
Walking through the house that they lived in for the past 40 years was so strange! I am so thankful that our salvation is secure! Because of Jesus' sacrifice for us we are Eternally safe! Our savior has a home waiting for us in heaven. This has been a reminder to hold loosely to the things of this Earth. My parents have been such an example of this. When they first heard the news last Fri at 5 am, the response was "this is not our true home".

"Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people, from this time forth and for evermore." Psalm 125:1-2


  1. what an example your parents are, in so many ways.
    i'm sorry about their home.
    thankful for the rental and that they have so many of their children close to them.
    your parents are really pioneers in the adoption community, adopting when NO one was, except for infertility and as a second best option. I love seeing you and mike with your beautiful family, as a reflection of redemption and of the family your grew up in. It's so amazing to me.
    love you sister!

  2. Wow! Been thinking of you all. So sorry to hear of the loss of your parents home, but so encouraged by their example of faith!!!

    Hey, had to share: We were looking through pictures and Abey saw a pic of Joseph and kissed it and said, "I love him mommy!" How are things going?


  3. Oh my goodness! Thanking God that they are safe, and how Good God is for taking care of them. Prayers for all the work/papers ahead to get through this, and again, AMEN they are safe!
